Wednesday, 6 June 2012

The act of a master juggler . . .

So, its been a while since my last blog, as to be honest, I had no idea where I would be a month down the line from my last post . . .

I had been completely torn over starting the new job, and wanting to carry on with the buttons to the extent that I was . . . I had a conversation with the fabulous Marna from Little A Designs, where I said that I felt like my inner child had been fed fizzy pop and sweets all day, then been told to go to bed . . . I just wanted to throw a massive tantrum, and do what I wanted to do, rather than the grown up thing to do . . .

I have met so many wonderful people via the buttons and Facebook, that it just didn't seem right . . . Yet the overwhelming feeling of letting people down, and letting the button page drift away was just so intense, I just didn't want to part with it yet . . .

Ive now been in the job for a month, and all seems to be going well - its busy, but I have time to do things, and there is a post office on site, so I know I can pop things in the post to you all regularly . . .

I have also come up with a set of commitments to you and the button page, so I can ensure I am fulfilling my side of the bargain . . . 
  1. There will be a weekly button sale, and if I can't make it, I will update it accordingly
  2. These sales, and any others, will all be in the events page, so you can see when they will be
  3. I will endeavour to get the invoices out within 24 hours
  4. I will reply to emails within 24 hours, but if you haven't heard from me, please do give me a nudge!
  5. I will be open and honest with you about my workload, and if I can't do it, will tell you so
  6. I also want to try and do a monthly web chat - would anyone be up for that?
In return, I hope you will be open and honest with me - is that a fair swap ;)

I just hope you are all still out there . . . Are you?

Much love, Ax


  1. Great blog, very honest and touching.
    Hopefully your followers will understand.
    Keep at everything you are fabulous at xx

  2. Very good set of commitments & well done you for keeping on top of things. I work too & juggle the crafts as well. I'm pretty quite at the mo but I know, come Xmas I'll be crafting away like crazy every evening after work.
    If only the dream of doing crafting 'full-time' would come true eh?
    Keep up the good work.
    Jo (aka Crafty Gifts & Cards)x
