Saturday, 13 October 2012

What was the best thing about this past working week? Clocking out on Friday afternoon . . .

Im not sure what the Gods were doing, or what planets were aligned with whom, but jeez, I have never seen so many emotional moments all come at once . . . and Im not just talking about me . . .

Next week, will be better, and I will make it better . . .

How are you all?



  1. I've been thinking about you all week, hope you are feeling better today Els WC xx

  2. Bless you - still having problems with my ears and stomach . . . add on top of that work, and late nights, and Im completely drained :( Will make it down to see you soon I hope :) Hows you? Ax

  3. Eeek, that doesn't sound like fun :( Glad its now the weekend - hope you have some lovely calm, chilled time in there somewhere too!!
    I've had a few rather full-on weeks/months at work, y'know where you constantly feel like you're up against it and chasing your tail - I was filling out a huge survey/form for work just now when I saw your post and I am happy to say I am sufficiently distracted to not go back and finish it tonight!! So an extra thank you for that!! ;) Hope you have a great weekend :) xxx
